We service almost every type of dental handpiece. Please feel free to ask for a quote.
I am now the local scrap metal representative for Doral Refinery. I wouldn't provide this service if it weren't with an official EPA certified company. This company also sends you a second check after the metal has been refined. I am confident that I give the best bang for the buck with your security and environment in mind.
We carry multiple brands of equipment that can fulfill your needs. We are now ready to sell your equipment. This means you can show us your equipment that has been collecting dust or taking up space! Here's how it works:
*We take images and definitions of the items you want to sell. We find a buyer and charge 20% commission for what sells.
(Please understand that we cannot guarantee sale of any equipment and anything sold is "as is." We take an office's word on condition and functionality. We can do repairs and modifications upon request for regular repair fees.)
We now have a way for you to sell your equipment yourself if you have time for that.
Millers Dental Service is happy to provide support to all of our remote customers. If you have an office that is located in a remote area and find it costly and difficult to get a technician to your location then please consider us to take care of your needs.
Things you need:
• High speed internet connection
• Cell phone (smart phone) connected to internet
• Person in the office that can turn a wrench
• Tool kit (we can provide you with this)
• Parts kit (we can provide you a tailored kit to fit your equipment needs) You get 10% off continued order of parts after your initial kit is ordered
We can assist you with downloading the free apps required for a virtual face to face conversation (Face Time, Skype, Tango, Facebook Messenger video)
Our remote technician services are $130 an hour for our highly trained technician to assist you. Our minimum charge is one hour.
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